

『Advantage Activity』を開催しました 

『Advantage Activity』を開催しました 

On Sunday April 26th we did an Advantage Activity in Asakusa.
Because this is the first time to do this volunteering, we prepared many things. For example, we held meetings, went location hunting and looked around Sensouji temple with staff of a travel bureau.
Participants held English maps and spoke to tourists who came from different countries.
They helped tourists to take photos and gave them advice.
We’ll continue to do Advantage Activities, so if you are interested, please contact The Center for International Study and Exchange.

4月26日(日)浅草周辺にて、Advantage Activityを開催しました。
今後もICPではAdvantage Activityを開催して行きますので、興味のある方は新松戸総合事務センター国際交流担当までご相談ください。

入試情報 with RYUKEI