スポーツ健康科学部 大学院 スポーツ健康科学研究科 スポーツ健康科学科


スポーツ健康科学部 大学院 スポーツ健康科学研究科 スポーツ健康科学科

吉川 徹(ヨシカワ トオル)

Toru Yoshikawa, Ph.D.


所属 (学部?職位?学内役職) スポーツ健康科学部 大学院 スポーツ健康科学研究科 准教授 (バレーボール部男子 監督)
連絡先/ホームページ yoshikawa@rku.ac.jp

2009.4~2013.3 筑波大学体育専門学群
【2012.12 全日本バレーボール大学男子選手権大会 優勝】
2013.4~2015.3 筑波大学大学院体育学専攻(修士)
【2015.3 筑波大学大学院体育学専攻長賞 受賞】
2015.4~2018.3 筑波大学大学院スポーツ医学専攻(博士)
【2018.3 筑波大学大学院スポーツ医学専攻長賞 受賞】
2015.4~2018.3 日本学術振興会特別研究員DC1

担当科目 体力トレーニング論、トレーニング実習、バレーボール、1~3年演習(ゼミ)
授業?ゼミ 今となっては恥ずかしい話ですが、部活漬けだった大学時代の私は、いかに授業をサボるかということばかり考えていました。しかし、大学で学ぶ目的を明確に認識してからは、単位を落として再履修した同じ講義でも全く眠くならず、公欠さえ惜しく感じたことを覚えています。「馬の耳に念仏」、「猫に小判」、「豚に真珠」と言うように、価値が分からなければ授業も意味を持ちません。私の授業では、その科目を学ぶ意義を受講者一人ひとりが納得できるように工夫していきます。そして、学生の皆さんにも、「何のために学ぶのか」を常に自問自答してほしいと思っています。





◆Yoshikawa T, Kumagai H, Myoenzono K, Tsujimoto T, Tanaka K, Maeda S. Aerobic exercise training normalizes central blood pressure regulation after oral glucose loading in overweight/obese men. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension, 41(1): 28-35, 2019.
◆Yoshikawa T, Zempo-Miyaki A, Kumagai H, Myoenzono K, So R, Tsujimoto T, Tanaka K, Maeda S. Relationships between serum free fatty acid and pulse pressure amplification in overweight/obese men: insights from exercise training and dietary modification. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 62(2): 1-5, 2018.
◆Yoshikawa T, Kumagai H, Myoenzono K, Zempo-Miyaki A, Tsujimoto T, Tanaka K, Maeda S. Effects of dietary modification with weight loss on central blood pressure during oral glucose tolerance test in overweight/obese men. Artery Research, 20: 27-34, 2017.
◆Kumagai H, Yoshikawa T, Myoenzono K, Kosaki K, Akazawa N, Tanahashi K, Tagawa K, Zempo-Miyaki A, Maeda S. Role of high physical fitness against deterioration of male sexual function in Japanese adult men. American Journal of Men’s Health, in press.
◆Matsui M, Yoshikawa T, Mizushima R, Tanahashi K, Myoenzono K, Tanaka K, Maeda S. Association between duration of excessive weight and arterial stiffness in middle-aged and older adults. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension, in press.
◆Park J, Choi Y, Myoenzono K, Yoshikawa T, Tagawa K, Isobe T, Saotome K, Sankai Y, Shimojo N, Maeda S. Effects of aerobic exercise training on the arterial stiffness and intramyocellular or extramyocellular lipid in overweight and obese men. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension, in press.
◆Kumagai H, Yoshikawa T, Kosaki K, Myoenzono K, Maeda S. Deterioration of sexual function is associated with central hemodynamics in Japanese adult men. Hypertension Research, in press.
◆Hamasaki A, Akazawa N, Yoshikawa T, Myoenzono K, Tanahashi K, Sawano Y, Nakata Y, Maeda S. Combined effects of lactotoripeptide and aerobic on cognitive function and cerebral oxygenation in middle-aged and older adults. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 109(2): 353-360, 2019.
◆Zempo-Miyaki A, Kumagai H, Yoshikawa T, Myoenzono K, So R, Otsuki T, Tanaka K, Maeda S. Pentraxin3 increases in adult overweight and obese men after weight-loss by dietary modification with exercise training. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 44: 111-117, 2019.
◆Hamasaki A, Akazawa N, Yoshikawa T, Myoenzono K, Tagawa K, Sawano Y, Nishimura M, Maeda S. Central artery stiffness is related to cerebral oxygenation hemodynamics during executive function tasks in healthy middle-aged and older adults. Experimental Gerontology, 114: 93-98, 2018.
◆Hamasaki A, Akazawa N, Yoshikawa T, Myoenzono K, Tagawa K, Maeda S. Age-related declines in executive function and cerebral oxygenation hemodynamics. The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 245: 245-250, 2018.
◆Tagawa K, Ra SG, Kumagai H, Yoshikawa T, Yoshida Y, Takekoshi K, Sakai S, Miyauchi T, Maeda S. Effects of resistance training on material compliance and plasma endothelin-1 levels in healthy men. Physiological Research, 67(Suppl.1): S155-S166, 2018.
◆Tagawa K, Choi Y, Ra SG, Yoshikawa T, Kumagai H, Maeda S. Resistance training-induced decrease in central arterial compliance is associated with decreased subendocardial viability ratio in healthy young men. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 43(5): 510-516, 2018.
◆Kumagai H, Yoshikawa T, Myoenzono K, Kosaki K, Akazawa N, Zempo-Miyaki A, Tsujimoto T, Kidokoro T, Tanaka K, Maeda S. Sexual function is an indicator of central arterial stiffness and arterial stiffness gradient in Japanese adult men. Journal of the American Heart Association, 7(10): e007964, 2018.
◆Kumagai H, Yoshikawa T, Zempo-Miyaki A, Myoenzono K, Tsujimoto T, Tanaka K, Maeda S. Vigorous physical activity is associated with regular aerobic exercise-induced increased serum testosterone levels in overweight/obese men. Hormone and Metabolic Research, 50: 73-79, 2018.
◆Kumagai H, Zempo-Miyaki A, Yoshikawa T, Eto M, So R, Tsujimoto T, Nishiyasu T, Tanaka K, Maeda S. Which cytokine is the most related to weight loss-induced decrease in arterial stiffness in overweight and obese men? Endocrine Journal, 65: 53-61, 2018.
◆Akazawa N, Hamasaki A, Tanahashi K, Kosaki K, Yoshikawa T, Myoenzono K, Maeda S. Lactotripeptide ingestion increases cerebral blood flow velocity in middle-aged and older adults. Nutrition Research, 53: 61-66, 2018.
◆Tagawa K, Ra SG, Kumagai H, Sawano Y, Yamamoto K, Yoshikawa T, Choi Y, Yoshida Y, Takekoshi K, Maeda S. Resistance training-induced decreases in central arterial compliance is associated with increases in serum thromboxane B2 concentrations in young men. Artery Research, 23: 63-70, 2018.
◆田川要, 赤澤暢彦, 吉川徹, 大藏倫博, 鈴木貴視, 前田清司. 低体重高齢者における低強度レジスタンストレーニングとL–シトルリン含有組成物摂取の併用が中心血行動態に及ぼす影響. 健康支援, 20(2): 183-190, 2018.
◆Tanahashi K, Kosaki K, Sawano Y, Yoshikawa T, Tagawa K, Kumagai H, Akazawa N, Maeda S. Impact of age and aerobic exercise training on conduit artery wall thickness: role of the shear pattern. Journal of Vascular Research, 54: 272-279, 2017.
◆Komatsu M, Akazawa N, Tanahashi K, Kumagai H, Yoshikawa T, Kosaki K, Zempo-Miyaki A, Maeda S. Central blood pressure is associated with trunk flexibility in older adults. Artery Research, 19: 91-96, 2017.
◆Kumagai H, Zempo-Miyaki A, Yoshikawa T, Tsujimoto T, Tanaka K, Maeda S. Increased physical activity has a greater effect than reduced energy intake on lifestyle modification-induced increases in testosterone. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 58(1): 84-89, 2016.
◆Kumagai H, Zempo-Miyaki A, Yoshikawa T, Tsujimoto T, Tanaka K, Maeda S. Lifestyle modification increases serum testosterone level and decrease central blood pressure in overweight and obese men. Endocrine journal, 62(5): 423-430, 2015.
◆Matsubara T, Zempo-Miyaki A, Akazawa N, Choi Y, Ra SG, Tanahashi K, Kumagai H, Oikawa S, Yoshikawa T, Maeda S. Aerobic exercise training improves vascular endothelial function with an increase in circulating Klotho levels in postmenopausal women. Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology, 20: 61-66, 2014.

◆Young Investigator Award. The 13th International Conferences on Endothelin, 2013.






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