


 さらに、本学が「誰一人取り残さない」ことを掲げている以上、戦争によって、取り残される人々が生まれることは断じて容認できません。  戦争は幸せを生みません。深い悲しみと絶望を生むだけです。

学長 上野 裕一

Message Concerning the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

On February 24th, Russia invaded Ukraine. This is an attempt to change the status quo by military force, following the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014, and cannot be overlooked. We cannot help but be outraged that so many innocent lives are being lost at this very moment. Humanity has experienced two world wars, with countless lives sacrificed. Those are not nameless people. Each one of them had a life of his or her own.

Japan was the first country in human history to be hit by an atomic bomb and suffered tremendous damage. Even though more than 70 years have passed since the end of ?World War Two, and most of our current generations have never experienced war, we should not forget this fact.

On the Ryugasaki campus, there is a statue of a “maiden” who seeks a peaceful world (appealing for a world without war). Ryutsu Keizai University sincerely strives for a peaceful world, as symbolized by this statue of the maiden.

Furthermore, since our university’s mission is to “leave no one behind,” we can never accept the grave losses that the innocent face as a result of war. War never brings happiness. It only produces deep sadness and despair.

We strongly hope that the destruction will stop, and that a peaceful resolution will be reached through discussion, not violence.

My heart breaks when I think of the feelings of the Ukrainian people who have been affected in so many ways by this invasion.

I believe that many of our faculty, staff, and students have ties to both Ukraine and Russia. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and take necessary measures to provide support to all those involved.

Above all, it is our sincerest hope that this situation will be brought to an end as soon as possible and that a peaceful world will return.


人は誰でも 戦争は 平和に対する罪であり
それでもなお 人は武力を持って戦う

この半世紀も 朝鮮戦争 中東戦争 ベトナム戦争
湾岸戦争 そして諸々の内戦や紛争 世界に戦火の絶えること
しかし この間 日本は平和であった
われわれは この平和の持つ意味を重く受け止め この平和を

勿論 日本だけが平和であっていい筈はない
われわれは この尊い平和の環を世界に広げなければならない
自らに不戦を誓うだけでなく 全世界に向かって渾身の力をふり

われわれは この思いをこめて ここに不戦を訴える乙女の像


An Appeal for the Cessation of War

Every person in the world knows that war is a crime against peace and a sin against
humanity. Notwithstanding, people continue to engage in armed conflict. The seeds of
warfare are perpetually present within the human breast.

Over the last half-century, the fires of war have raged continually, in Korea, in the Middle
East, in Vietnam, in the Persian Gulf, and in a host of other conflicts and civil wars.

During this time, however, Japan has been at peace. This precious peace was built on the
experience of a bloody defeat. It is our duty as Japanese to recognize solemnly the
significance of this peace, and to preserve it forever, come what may.

Naturally, however, we cannot be content with a state of affairs in which Japan alone
enjoys peace. We must attempt to extend this peace throughout the world. It is not enough
for us to simply renounce warfare ourselves. We must bend all our energies to the task of
appealing to the whole world to cease engaging in war.

In order to symbolize this appeal for a cessation of war, we hereby erect this statue of
an innocent maiden.

March, 1995
On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of Japan’s defeat in the Second
World War
Ryutsu-Keizai University



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